Sunday, October 09, 2011

Moscow area (10/7-10/9) birds on the move!

Howdy all - 

A good number of birds have been moving through Moscow since Friday. The large feeding flocks in the maples near my house have been primarily Ruby-crowned Kinglets (RCKI) and Yellow-rumped Warblers (YRWA) but there have also been Dark-eyed Juncos (30+ on 10/8), increasing numbers of American Robins especially overhead and a nice variety of other species mixed in. I've also had my first big flock of Pine Siskins in town this fall with a flock of 50+ here yesterday. Many of these seem to be on the move, for example I had a flock of ~20 RCKI and > 50 YRWA working the maples near my house this morning and within 20 minutes they had moved on. Also as I mentioned many birds are moving overhead especially Cedar Waxwings, American Robins, Pine Siskins, and some N. Flickers this morning that appeared to be in active migration. I really enjoy these October migration movements due to the sheer number of birds moving even though earlier in fall migration often produces more variety. Has anybody been to any of the migration traps over the weekend? Seems like they could have productive if this movement is across a broad area.

species of interest (all around my neighborhood today and yesterday):

Hammond's Flycatcher - 10/8
Red-naped Sapsucker - 10/9
Cassin's Vireo - 10/8
Orange-crowned Warbler - 10/8 (4) & 10/9 (1)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 50-70 each day
Townsend's Warbler - 2 this morning (10/9)
Dark-eyed Junco - up to 30
Pine Siskin - flock of 50+ yesterday and more scattered smaller groups
Red Crossbill - 1 on 10/8

Charles Swift
Moscow, Idaho
46°43′54″ N, 116°59′50″ W
skype: charles.swift
google voice: 208-991-2473
twitter: chasimoto