Wednesday, June 25, 2008

U. of Idaho, Moscow, ID birds, mid June, 2008

I've been biking, running, and walking quite a bit around the UI campus the past few weeks and making note of the birds present on campus during the breeding season. Many of these are breeding or suspected to be breeding. Here are a few of interest:

Red-tailed Hawk - nested in Heritage Grove, adult and imm. have been around (Swainson's Hawks have nested in this area in the past)
Cordilleran Flycatcher - one calling/singing regularly at west end of Shattuck Arboretum and another at the east end of the Heritage grove (near the Admin Bldg.), also a few around town
Western Wood-Pewee - at least 4 or 5 singing in the main arboretum, several more in Shattuck and more elsewhere around campus (seem particularly common this summer)
Red-eyed Vireo - singing away in the Shattuck just west of the President's house (seen & heard today)
Violet-green Swallow - a few around but may have taken a hit from cold weather
Barn Swallow - east side of campus, presume nesting on bridges along Paradise Ck.
Black-capped Chickadee - prob nest Shattuck
Red-breasted Nuthatch - prob nest Shattuck
House Wren - near grad housing (& Iris's daycare)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - prob nest Shattuck
American Robin - many around incl. w/ fledged young or food for young (probably on second broods)
Yellow Warbler - main Arboretum and along Paradise Ck.
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 singing in Shattuck, present since early June
Common Yellowthroat - singing at Sand Rd wetlands, just across from arboretum
Savannah Sparrow - in field just across from south end of the arboretum
Chipping Sparrow
Red Crossbill - continue to be fairly common around town, flying over or in tops of tall conifers

Charles Swift
Moscow, ID

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