Monday, June 27, 2005

Least Flycatcher (6/12/2005) retraction

Back on 6/12 I reported a Least Flycactcher from the bottom of Coyote
Grade in Nez Perce Co. For a variety of reasons I felt a bit
uncomfortable with this call and an experience this morning clinched
it for me. Along my BBS I had a Western Flycatcher giving the down
slurred portion of its call incessantly, but I knew it was a WEFL as
after some time it included other parts of its song as well.

I am now almost certain this is what I heard on 6/12 at the bottom of
Coyote Grade. The location, shade trees around a farm house, is much
better for WEFL in our area. I've found them in these settings
somewhat regularly in June. Also this bird did not quite give the dry
che-bek call of the LEFL although it was suggestive. (Hammond's
Flycatcher also sometimes gives the first part of its song, a 2-parted
call somewhat suggestive of Least FC).

It is important to retract this as this would have indicated further
range expansion of this species which so far seems to be not expanding
in northern ID south of Lake Coeur d'Alene (and now I believe this is
still the case!).

This is why I believe this happened:

1 - It was 4:40 AM (!)
2 - I only listened for about 20 seconds from the car
3 - wishful thinking, the L-C Valley seems a likely location for this
expanding species

Anyway, better to be safe, I think we'll know if/when they expand into our area.

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